Real Vs Fake Sea Moss:

Question whether the sea moss you are considering buying is real or fake! Many people often feel worried about the authenticity of the sea moss they buy and they’re not sure who to trust, where to buy, or whether it’s real. Here in this post, I will tell you the best ways to tell if your sea moss is fake (pool grown) or real (wildcrafted). So, this is a useful guide on the major things to watch out for before you make your next sea moss order.

So what is the difference between Real and Fake Sea Moss?

It’s simple, Real sea moss is golden, dark tan or purple in color; has thin stems and sea salt but not extremely salty. While fake sea moss is lighter in color, has thicker stems and is extremely salty. While real sea moss is wildcrafted in the ocean, fake sea moss are commercially grown in large pool tanks.

For all the benefits sea moss offers, real wildcrafted sea moss offers you the complete 92 minerals out of the 102 our body needs. Remember, sea moss absorbs most of these minerals from the ocean they grow in. Together with with the rocks and other sea creatures in the ocean.

So, when you buy real sea moss, you’re directly getting as much as the 92 minerals it offers.

Pool grown sea moss on the other hand gives little or less. These are farmed in pool tanks with added salt (mostly table or synthetic salt) versus the real salt the ocean offers. Fake sea moss hardly gives additional minerals that would have been derived from rocks, or even natural sunlight and ocean currents. 

When I started my journey I didn’t have real knowledge about sea moss. I bought some from 2 websites and it didn’t seem real to me! (I knew the benefits of the sea moss, but the sea moss I tried I felt I wasn’t getting the same nutrients and benefits as the real sea moss)! I then researched alot more about sea moss and discovered someone who supplies real wildcrafted sea moss from Jamaica. When I began to get the real sea moss, I could actually see and feel the difference, not just in looks but also how my body responded.

So, now when I get my sea moss, I am really very picky and sure of where it’s coming from. Sometimes, knowing where you source your sea moss can save you.

If you have a good source, you can worry less about its authenticity. Nowadays, I make sure the sea moss I use come from the Caribbean islands.

Real vs Fake

Real vs Fake


About iron fluorine

