Why iron is so important for women

Being low in iron can leave you tired, pale and breathless, and with a reduced ability to concentrate. Unfortunately, women are especially susceptible to iron deficiencies, and the latest National Diet and Nutrition Survey revealed that nearly 25% of women are at risk of low iron levels. 

There are several reasons why you might become deficient in iron. One is having a disorder which affects iron absorption such as coeliac disease, but the reason behind low iron levels is usually as simple as a lack or iron in the diet. Luckily, most iron deficiencies can be addressed through simple dietary adjustments. 

Why do we need iron?

Iron is an essential mineral. It is a key component in haemoglobin, which lives in your red blood cells and transports oxygen to every cell in the body. Without sufficient iron, the body cannot produce enough red blood cells to transport oxygen to our organs and cells. Optimal oxygen delivery is need for all normal bodily processes including optimal brain function, energy and immunity. 

Signs of iron deficiency

Having low iron levels in your blood is the major cause of iron deficiency anaemia. This is a condition that can cause symptoms such as weakness, exhaustion, shortness of breath, pale skin, fast heartbeat and dry, brittle nails.

Women are most prone to lower levels of iron because they lose blood through menstruation as well as during pregnancies. This means they have higher iron requirements relative to their size. 


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